Adding and Removing Pages

So far, we have only made changes to existing pages, specifically index.html. What if we want to add new pages? Or delete existing ones?

Adding a New Page

Let’s use the blog post template from the previous sections and display it on a new page, blogpost.html.
To do this, go to the github page of your repository (<username>/<username> and click “Create New File.”
Screenshot of the github repository page with "Create New File" button highlighted

Name the new file blogpost.html and copy all of the boilerplate code (i.e. everything except the content of the “column” div element) from index.html.
Screenshot of the new blogpost.html with all the boilerplate code from index.html

Next, fill in the contents of your blogpost.
Screenshot of blogpost.html with blog content added

Finally, we’re ready to save (“commit”) the changes. Add a short description and then click “Commit new file”.
Screenshot of github commit form

If you now go to <username>, you should be able to see your blogpost.
Screenshot of rendered blogpost.html

Modifying the Header

Right now, you can navigate to blogpost.html. But what we really want is to add the blogpost to the navigation bar at the top. We can do this by modifying the header.html file. header.html contains the html for the navbar and is automatically loaded on everyone of our pages.

As before, click on header.html in your repository and then click on the edit button in the top right as explained here.

header.html contains a lot of boilerplate, for example, to convert the navbar into a drop-down menu on small screen.

We only need to pay attention to two things: the project title and the individual navigation items in light-blue.

Screenshot of header.html

The second line,
<a class="navbar-brand" href="index.html">Github Pages Tutorial</a>, controls what gets displayed as the title of your website in the left corner of the navbar. Change Github Pages Tutorial to something that describes the purpose of your website. Let’s say Puppies!

Next, let’s change the items in the navbar. Each is defined by a “nav-item” <li> element.
To add a link to your blogpost, you can just add a new <li> element.

        <li class="nav-item">
            <a class="nav-link" href="blogpost.html">Blog Post</a>

While you’re at it, you can also delete the other elements from the navbar–you don’t want to display the links to the different sections of this tutorial on your website. (You can always find the original at though.)

Voila, your new much shorter navbar.
Screenshot of modified navbar code

You can now commit the changes. Once you reload your website, you should see your newly modified navbar with a working link to your blog post.

Screenshot of webpage with modified navbar

Removing pages

Strictly speaking, you don’t need to remove superfluous html files like setup.html. If they aren’t linked on your page, no one will likely look at them. But you can also just delete them by opening the file on Github, clicking on the trash button, and then committing the change.

Screenshot of setup.html with highlighted trash button

When you're happy with your page setup, you can move on to the final section: how to style your webpage with CSS.